My dears!
It’s our first entry and we start with surprises. If you follow us on Facebook, you know for sure (and if you don’t follow us and you don’t know, we are glad to inform you and of course we invite you to like our Facebook profile) that February is a month of special offers in all Makaruns in Poland! The motto of our offers could be ‘something special for everyone’ and… it wouldn’t be a lie! You don’t believe us? Let’s check it out…
Are you a student? Do you hate Mondays? Or maybe you are a student who hates Mondays? Great! We are waiting for you! Every Monday for a password ‘nienawidzę poniedziałków’ you’ll get a free soft drink to your portion. Our venue at Kawiory has additional specials offers for student during ‘student Mondays’ discount levitra online.
Are student years just a nice memory for you? You visit the profile ‘Mordor na Domaniewskiej’ to cheer yourself up and you laugh at jokes which half of the society don’t understand? Do you? We are here for you as well! You are our target!
Employees of the corporations, join together and order food in Makarun (great discounts by delivery) or come, buy, show your identity cards and you will get extras for free… Deadline of the offer? Don’t worry, we will tell you in advance.
Are you bored between 11:00a.m. and noon? Or maybe you get up at this time and you don’t feel like making breakfast (with our big portions you can solve the dinner problem at the same time!)? Don’t wait, visit our venues and you will get a Happy Hour offer.
We invite donut lovers on 4th February! You will get a big sweet donut for every portion for free!
And the in-love-ones… We have you in mind as well! The offer for those of you who don’t have a ‘forever alone’ profile photo. Take your loved one to Makarun on 14th February and for the password ‘zakochaj się w Makarunie’ you will get a second portion for half a price.
And what, Makaruneaters? We’ll meet in February… don’t we?