Płock-delivery time start!
24 April 2018, author: Maja Tymczyszyn

Płock-delivery time start!

We live in a time of dynamic technological development. Practically all of us have a telephone in our pocket, access to the network, and instead of doing the press, browses websites every morning. The Internet accompanies us almost everywhere. Poles are increasingly using their phones and computers not only for work, but also for ordering food. Not being indifferent to the needs of our clients, who hungry and tired after school, work or party want a delicious macaroon, we have created our own system for ordering meals. Just visit our macaroon website, choose from the bookmarks to order, choose a point, place an order and it’s ready! Now, wait for the courier with a delicious orange box. The first point where our system was introduced was the place for St. Tomasz in Krakow. We saw that it really works! Following the clients’ needs, we want all our premises to be ordered through our plattform. That is why we are even more pleased to announce that on April 16, a transfer took place at our restaurant in Płock. Our clients don’t have to leave the house to eat our macaroon. Can there be something more pleasant than an orange box filled with delicious pasta and delivered to the door of our house? Completely without leaving, completely without standing in the kitchen. There are not many such things, so try it 😊